
5 Great Ways to Stay Positive

By Kamilla Kay, PMP |

Don’t we all strive for a better life for ourselves – better job, more money, happier days!?! To find a balanced happy medium is what we are battling to acquire most of our adult lives. Once we are up, there will eventually be down. When we hit the rock bottom, we manage to assemble those pieces to climb on top again, and so on it goes. What matters is the journey and how we handle ourselves throughout it.

The way we manage ourselves when things are not turning out, is obviously the most challenging part. How do we stay positive, remain composed, and hopeful that everything will be fine in the end? What motivates us to get to another level of success? Everyone has his/her own ways of dealing with issues and staying optimistic. After a quick overview of several online resources, I compiled the list of the most effective proven techniques that could keep you in a positive set of mind.

1. Surround yourself with positive people

I took this affirmation quite lightly until recently. However, when I looked around and deleted certain negative vibes out of my life, it quickly came to me that I have a lot less stress and worry. When you have a positive thinking mindset you begin to spread the positive vibe. When this happens you naturally begin to attract more optimistic people and situations into your life. Conversely, if you’re a chronic negative thinker, you will naturally attract negative situations and negative people into your life. Who needs that?

2. Stay Active. Travel. Get away!

Science has proven many times over that our physical activity determines our psychological attitudes. Stress, depression, and pessimism make your life miserable. Why wouldn’t they? Once you start applying your conscious effort to stay in motion, exercise, travel, most of the negativity will vanish one by one. So, get out there – nothing is permanent. Sometimes I feel trapped in the products of my own worries and negative what ‘ifs,’ who doesn’t! My mental attitude instantaneously changes after a quick jog, or a quick switch in a geographical location!

Recommended attitude-changing read: “Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferris

3. Believe in a Higher Power

Regardless of your religious predisposition, there are so many moments in our lives when we feel not in charge of our own actions and decisions. Well, maybe because we are truly NOT in charge! These are the times when we usually turn to The Man Upstairs. This is one of the most liberating ways to stay positive and believe that not all things are necessarily within our own control. (Note to the atheists: you are on your own on this one, pun-intended.)

4. Manage your stress effectively

As you know, stress causes our positive thoughts to fly out the window. The key is to continue staying optimistic at times of stress. It’s proven that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess. The way you learn to deal with stress will eventually shape you into what you want to be – ‘healthy in body and soul’ vs. ‘perpetually ill and emotionally exhausted.’


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5. Express yourself!

Our thoughts and attitudes shape who we are. Another significant way to stay positive is to find a good outlet for your psychological buildup. Keeping all of the stress and worries inside your own body is the absolute best way to give yourself a stroke or a heart attack. There are limitless outside sources to get all of the negativity out of your system: friends, family, and finally, some professional counseling. Stay positive by releasing your own self-expressive juices through art, literature, film, photography, home renovations, hobbies, just create!

What are your ways of staying positive in your daily lives? Please feel free to share your own sources and strategies on how to stay positive.

Article by Kamilla Kay, PMP. Follow her Personal Blog for similar ideas and thoughts.

[Post Tags: how to stay positive, ways to stay positive, being positive]

From: http://ping.fm/OPUFB

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