
Staying in Shape for Busy Professionals

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson

It is no news for any of us, busy full-time professionals, that finding time and effort for staying in shape is an overwhelming undertaking, to say the least. Our daily rat races are filled up to a minute with work, chores, networking, and family events. Sitting in front of a computer for over eight hours each day doesn’t really contribute anymore to our guilty conscience for not being in as much shape as we strive to be.

Our attempts to stay physically active, especially during the week become a back burner task. In an overwhelming sea of various types of diets, new exercise routines and lifestyle trends – we impulsively seem to get excited over our new chosen fads, overdo it, and then get bored of them the next minute! What’s next? Should I try the Atkins combined with yoga today because the WeightWatchers with pilates didn’t work for me yesterday? And so on, and so on….

My point is to stay in shape, meaning losing weight and maintaining your newly fabulous bod, doesn’t require following trends and much of financial dedication on your part. Being mentally aware of your desire to feel healthy could come through a combination of small daily choices that you consciously make. Like with everything else in life, if there is a will, there is a way! Don’t waste your hard-earned money on the latest trend in fitness because some guy sitting in the next cubicle announced his guilt-triggered daily choice through a megaphone to the whole company.

Having a full-time job and being a full-time parent of a nine-year-old athletically active son, doesn’t give me an excuse to be a big blob of unrecognizable goop. In fact, this type of a hamster wheeling on a daily basis gives me a boost to look and feel healthy. Notice I emphasize ‘healthy,’ not necessarily ‘skinny.’ Who cares if you don’t look like an anorexic model from Vogue magazine (ladies); or Armani abs-ripped model (gents)! Over-rated stereotypes we need to break!

Nobody should judge your looks but yourself. Live your life to the healthiest fullest: love your foodie adventures, love your moderate splurges, love your wine tasting events! The key is to stay active, in motion, and to have absolutely everything in you life in moderation. Here are some of the small steps that I take each day in order to never feel tired, to feel great about my body and my whole well-being:

1. 30 minutes per day of pure movement
It doesn’t matter where, with whom or why. Just do it! For instance, I’ve discovered that I don’t really need to be sitting and staring at my son’s tennis practice for an hour. I could actually get up and go for a little jog around the block in a meantime. So obvious, but believe it or not, an absolute revolutionary breakthrough to my idling psyche!

2. Drink tons of water
It doesn’t have to be measured the magical 8 glasses of ‘scientifically proven discovery.’ Just drink it more while at work – I’ve discovered that this practice actually gives me lots of small breaks in a day to get up, stretch, and do a little stroll to a water fountain and a bathroom!

3. Eat smaller meals but more frequently than 3 times a day
This one takes a little more conscious effort, I know! Grazing, snacking, nibbling on healthy small foods, and not over-portioned huge meals – is the key! Believe me, it is not easy, but I’ve discovered that my metabolism gets boosted by leaps and bounds, hence a rapid loss of body fat and inches off your body. A remarkable incentive to a healthier you!

4. Go on mini walking breaks during work hours
Remember that the key is to continue staying in motion – outside, around the building, around the office, in a hallway, up and down the stairs (no elevators). Hint: walk like you are busy with something important; don’t get caught by your boss.


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5. Eat less meat and anything processed
Being a vegetarian for several years now, I’ve discovered that living my life without hormone-injected proteins, anything processed, and cruelty-driven, has actually changed my life in all senses – I am never tired and (knock on wood) never get seriously ill! However, I am not here to convert to vegetarianism by any means. My point is to stay away from anything processed and eat more of lean proteins, like beans, fish, tofu, nuts.

What are your Health Tips on Staying in Shape as a Busy Professionals? Share your tips in comments below.

Article by Kamilla Kay, PMP. Follower her Personal Blog on all things Productivity and Happier Lifestyle.

[Post Tags:] how to live healthier lifestyle, staying in shape for professionals, how to stay healthy while working.

From: http://ping.fm/EbHbc

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