Take a close look at your current financial situation. Where is your hard earned money going? You might be surprised to learn how much your expenses add up and spread your budget thin. Are we as stable financially as we’d like to be? There are as many financial management theories out there, as grains of sand on the beach. It is just as complicated to learn how to save and invest money, as how to adhere to the financial theories best suited for your lifestyle. To gain your own financial security is about a long curvy road, and not so much about the destination. Educating ourselves on the pitfalls and rewards of this journey is something that we could all afford to do! Here are some of the best-selling books that I’ve come across recently on how to become more successful in your business and personal financial prosperity.
1. Oblivious Investing: Building Wealth by Ignoring the Noise by Mike Piper
Oblivious Investing is about ignoring the sensationalized, short-term financial news, and focusing instead on the few things that actually determine long-term investing success. The book shows how to: create an effective long-term investment plan, spend less time managing your investments, and worry less about your money. The goal of the book is not just to explain the principles of prudent investing, but also to prepare the reader for some of the psychological challenges that will arise during a lifetime of investing.
2. Living Large On Less: A Guide to Saving without Sacrifice by Christina Spence
You can afford many great things in life without breaking the bank. The author offers numerous practical advises on how to stop paying full price. There is no need to change your lifestyle, just keep your mind open for adopting ideas and creative ways on how to stick to your budget and reduce your debt. You don’t need to be a financial whiz, and the book is a written testimony.
3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! By Robert T. Kiyosaki
It is an innovative point of view on how to understand the value of money, and not a book on how to get rich fast. The author attempts to lay out a view on how parents should approach a subject of money with their children, and that education alone will not necessarily make you rich. There is no need to push education down their throats as a mean for becoming financially stable. By following your heart and staying away from the idea of traditional career path pre-defined by parents, are just some of the ways to create your own wealth, and not only in financial sense of the word.
4. The 4-Hour Workweek, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich By Timothy Ferriss
This one is outrageous and way overdue! Stop dreaming of retirement, live now. The author encourages and, also trains you through the series of exercises, to put an end to safe, routinely miseries of 9 to 5. The book is a breakthrough outlook on how to live and enjoy life now, and to stop fearing of the unknown. How to outsource your life and spend more time on meaningful productive tasks that bring you more profit. How to manage productivity, and make more money, with a minimum effort.
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5. The Money Class: Learn to Create Your New American Dream by Suze Orman
A well known finance guru teaches how to control our present in order to build our future dream. Suze Orman’s newest book outlines how to live your life in such a way that you’ll have security and confidence that comes from knowing that what you have can’t be taken away from you. She had to come to terms with the reality that America we all wish to be, no longer is, and therefore, new financial rules have to be mastered. She writes, “I am going to challenge you not merely to live within your means, but to live below your means…It is time to move beyond materialism in order to set our sights on authentic happiness.
6. Debt Free Forever: Take Control of Your Money and Your Life by Gail Vaz-Oxlade
This book will show you the fundamentals of calculating your spending habits, build a budget that actually works and easy to follow, establish financial goals and pave the roadmaps to achieve those goals. Getting rid of debt is not an easy task and most of us are part of that race. The author of this book offers realistic approach towards managing your money more efficiently rather than repeating what other “money” books have in fancy lingo.
Which books have helped you manage your money better and reduce your debt? Share in comments below.
Article written and contributed by Kamilla Kay, PMP. She can be contacted via email at: kamillabk@hotmail.com
From: http://ping.fm/PCvfm
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