
10 Easy Ways To Run a Productive Meeting

Business meetings are many times considered as an unproductive business activity. And in reality, meetings tend to be less productive and rather a brainstorming session. Such meetings cost many companies a lot of money (just think: 10 people each making $100K sitting in a room together for an hour talking nonsense that does not result in anything? That translates to major cash wasted). To alleviate such negative effects and facilitate a productive meeting, it is rather imperative to understand the dynamics of running a productive and successful meeting that would result in meaningful outputs. Moomkin.com has prepared a list of best & proven practices to help you run a productive meeting.

1. Is this meeting really required?

Before you schedule a meeting first evaluate the topic(s) to be discussed. Evaluate the alternatives to scheduling a meeting (e.g. sending out an email, making a call etc).

2. Planning is Crucial

Productive meetings are a result of proper planning. Ensure to send out the supporting information to all attendees well in advance. Get confirmations from all key stake holders so that you don’t run into last minute cancellations. Remember the more organized you are the better chances you stand in getting the meeting to be a success.

3. Get the Logistics Right – A proper Time and Place for the meeting

This is a very important aspect of running a productive meeting as it sets the tone of the meeting. Choose an appropriate meeting time neither too early in the morning, immediately after lunch nor late in the evening. Arrange for spacious meeting room so that participants are not crammed. Check the Projector and other technical tools in advance to be sure there are no abruptions during the meeting.

4. Start on time

Always start on time otherwise you might be rushed in certain discussions. Any delay sends the impression that the agenda is not serious and hence people tend to take the discussion casually. Be firm about starting on time and this will ensure that others respect that about your future meetings.

5. Have the Extras available

Some people never come prepared into a meeting and then rush out to get the agenda printed or to borrow a notepad and pen for taking notes. Carry spare copies of agenda, documents or pitches, some paper or pads along with pens/pencils to take notes. Don’t give your audience a chance to disrupt the meeting midway and you will keep them glued to the discussion and run a productive meeting.

6. Assign a Moderator

Ideally the person who has organized the meeting should be in charge of running the meeting as per the agenda however if that is not the case then make sure there is someone who is assigned this task. Sticking to the agenda is critical to getting the most value out of everyone.

7. Assign a Note Taker

Note Takers are crucial as well, since they will provide you with an overview that can be sent out to the attendees after the meeting and have the ability to follow up on any action items. Make sure that you get the detailed and accurate minutes distributed to the attendees within 48 hours post the meeting. Minutes serve a great way to document the discussion and any agreements done in the meeting.

8. Don’t Get Personal

Focus on maintaining an amicable atmosphere and minimize the “small talk.” Listen attentively and make sure that only 1 conversation is going on at a time. Productive meetings are often derailed if numerous people are talking at the same time, making it difficult to get the message across.

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9. Stick to Agenda

Never initiate a discussion that is outside of the current agenda and don’t let disagreements in other areas effect your current discussion. Ensure that you acknowledge everyone’s input but items that are not directly related to the meeting should be taken off-line.

10. Follow Up

Lastly, every productive meeting is a result of a proper follow up after the fact. It is important that you obtain feedback from the attendees and discuss their opinions on what they would’ve done to improve in the future.

So these are our tips for running a productive meeting. What do you do to ensure that you coordinate a successful meeting?

From: http://ping.fm/ynnNF

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