
Thanksgiving to Your Success

Can you imagine — one more amazing year at the finish line! Thanksgiving is the first festive sign of the upcoming and always highly anticipated Holiday Season. Amidst of all the hassle and cheer that every end of the year brings, somehow we need to find the time to reflect back, in order to transition to even a brighter future. Granted, we shouldn’t have waited for this particular holiday to show our gratitude to everyone who we need to thank, but if you are one of those professionals, who simply bulldoze through life with no breaks on, this is your perfect chance to stop and express your gratitude to everyone and anyone, with no grudges to hold back.

So, take a breath, think in retrospect of all the great and not-so-great actions from the whole year behind you that in some way impacted the lives of others. What could make you complete, are your acts of gratitude, apology and acknowledgement of those who play various roles in your professional and personal lives.

1. Measure your Achievements in More Than Dollar Signs.

You would say, “But Cash is king!” On a contrary, a cliché like “The best things are free,” is a perfect rebuttal in this case. What have you accomplished this year that is outside anything that is associated with your financial gain?

2. Learn from Your Challenges

Mistakes and failures are indispensable elements of our lives, if learnt from strategically. The obstacles expose your weaknesses to hone on; the people you could put your trust in; weed out ‘the flakes and fakes,’ as I call them, whom you should not waste your life on.

3. Set Higher Goals for the Coming Year

Your achievements are the true tests of what you are capable of. Don’t sell yourself short by setting goals that are easy to achieve. Continue to ask more of yourself – this way you will continue to amaze yourself of how much higher you are able to reach.

4. Celebrate your Milestones

By the same token, it is not impartial to beat yourself up for the failures and unachieved goals. Look back, celebrate your accomplishments, and reward yourself!

5. Give Thanks to Those Who Made it All Happen!

Most importantly, you didn’t reach the top of the mountain alone! To get to where you are now, you must have a strong support system built around you. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to show your sincere gratitude to the ones whom you could lean on, unconditionally rely on, put your trust in, and who consistently execute all of the behind-the-scene, down-and-dirty legwork to make YOU a success story in all aspects of your life!

Do you have someone to thank? I bet you don’t have to look very far….

From: http://ping.fm/2q4Et

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