
Striving for Leadership as Your Next Career Breakthrough

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change.”-Charles Darwin
Originally, my goal was to refine this topic specifically for female professionals. Once the key points lined up on the page, it became obvious that these soft skill milestones of leadership clearly transgress the gender focus. No matter what type of physiological or psychological profile, for that matter, you fit into; those of us who strive to climb into the ranks of leading an organization tend to create our own unique channels, our stepping stones to success. Here are some of the key milestones that I keep in mind in an attempt to align my professional goals to my own development, as an aspiring organization’s leader.

1. Stand out from the Crowd.
To stand out does not necessarily mean to be born with a specific gift. Being an expert at what you do is, by far, one of the most transforming advantages over the rest of the crowd. When you have the knowledge and stamina to be able to go against the grain, it is the time when you naturally get recognized as an innovator, a leader, a success story. One book that precisely elaborates on the topic is “Collapse of Distinction: Stand out and move up while your competition fails” by Scott McKain.

2. Innovation could take you places.
Great ideas and interesting proposals come to most peoples’ minds at some point. It is the matter of recognizing an innovation as something that could redefine you as a pioneer. Some ideas come and go, some stay around for a minute, and only a few of them have an ability to make an impact on the masses. The way we choose to apply our ideas into practice, is what differentiates us from the pack. Think Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Steve Jobs.

3. Outside the Box should become your comfort zone.
It is the only way to keep ourselves from boxing our ideas and decisions into an expected and very traditional response patterns. Don’t let others label you as an individual and as a professional into a certain group, simply by judging an outer you. Surprising others with your creativity and individuality is something that makes others hesitate to group you with the rest of the herd. Be outside that box: your uniqueness could only be recognized by the few who also float outside that box!

4. Confidence is the key.
This says it all! There is no need to comment further. No leadership is successful without self-confidence. A good thing is that there are many ways to work on it and develop this trait through various sources. Here is one of the best books that I came across lately that is worth checking out, “The Ultimate Secrets of Self-Confidence” by Robert Anthony.

5. Communicate your assets publicly.
This point goes hand in hand with trying to be more self-confident. There are times to be modest and there are times to clearly communicate your strengths to the rest of the world. Successful leaders know how to keep this balance. It is crucial to let others know what you are made of through your actions, and to provide them with many opportunities to appreciate your indispensability. When that happens, others become your herald and rave about your success through their own words.

What are some of your strategies and successful hints on your path to leadership?

From: http://ping.fm/d5pox

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