Be happy that you even have a job! Is you job really that miserable? Have you noticed that whenever you share your negative feelings about your job, people seem to instantaneously brush you off as not very grateful that you even have a job, period. At what expense you GET to your payday, is the part nobody wants to hear or thinks it’s an exaggerated make-belief. Only YOU know the circumstances and the degree of misery that you have to endure on a daily basis to be employed, let along be happily employed.
Regardless of how shaky the job market is, there are always options out there to be gainfully employed. Below is a list of some red flags to keep in mind when you are wondering if your job is a dead man walking with no bright future on a horizon. Once you determine that your employer is not a good fit for your career advancement, you could identify your strategic plan more clearly in order to move forward to your happier future.
1. You feel miserable and drag yourself to work.
Of course, there are bad days. Who doesn’t have those? However, when you start feeling miserable about your job on a consistent basis, that is a pretty clear trigger to start pondering other options within the organization or leaving the company all together. Don’t waste your precious life in a negative state of mind. Everyone deserves to find his/her own perfect career match. So, start by making a list of professional aspirations that would make you a happy camper. You could check out some more useful articles on This is one of the first signs of a dead-end job.
2. You are a victim of micromanagement.
Despite your outstanding performance and excellent productivity results on a regular basis, your boss still feels more in control if he/she finds the ways to hover. If it bothers you that there is no trust established even after you have proven your credibility many times over, then maybe it is time to move forward. Don’t settle for less; go on to explore your other options. This is another sign of a dead-end job.
3. Your boss takes ownership of your great ideas that make him/her shine.
It never fails: your boss is impressed with you new idea; the next moment he/she goes in a management meeting. Before you know it, you Inbox pops up a mass e-mail to the whole company, outlining YOUR new policy and giving a credit to your manager. You name is nowhere to be found as the originator or contributor. That always happens to you!? Well, ever ponder to find a company who could appreciate your innovative forward thinking? Or even better, have you thought of becoming your own boss? This is a third sign of a dead-end job.
4. You are constantly being asked to work overtime and weekends.
The company sees the value in your performance and your inability to say ‘no.’ Your boss feels more comfortable to work you to death rather than hire more people. Unless you are a workaholic who has no life outside of work, twelve-hour-seven-days-a-week shifts can not last forever. You work to live, and not other way around, no matter how much you love your job now. At some point it will catch up to you and it will rapidly turn into a dead-end situation. This is a fourth sign of a dead-end job and an indicator to start looking for a new job.
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5. Nobody has gotten a raise in months or years.
Despite your outstanding performance, you’ve never been promoted.
Many companies milk the fact that the employee retention is pretty solid these days due to lack of jobs in the market. They get away with rejecting raises, bonuses, incentives, and promotions, to name a few perks that used to be the drivers for retaining the best talent force. However, there is still a solid minority of organizations that stick to their guns, and manage to retain the best in the business by continuing to offer those perks to their employees. If you feel that you have a lot to offer, maybe it is time for you to find an employer who is willing to appreciate your performance for what it’s worth. Check out or This is one of the final signs of a dead-end jobs.
Share with us your professional experience how you identified and dealt with a dead-end job.
Article by Kamilla Kay, PMP. Follow her Personal Blog for similar ideas and thoughts.
[Post Tags: signs of dead-end job, signs to look for new job, signs of dead-end job.]
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