
5 Books That Help to Bring Ideas to Life

by Kamilla Kay, PMP |

Creative ideas, innovative solutions, life-changing answers, extraordinary dreams come true – this is our human nature. We are constantly on the look out for those phenomenal breakthroughs that make out lives easier, healthier, and happier. In the meantime, we always search for the ways to bring those ideas to life. How often have you heard someone you know say, “I have this great idea! Some day it will make me rich and famous!” Chances are you hear that statement quite frequently.

We are full of great innovations, and it is the matter of bringing them to life. To bring your ideas to life has various motivating factors, which for the most part are driven by some sort of financial reward, or a desire for someone’s recognition and fame. There is a wide array of published literature that is focused on the subject of how to bring your ideas to life: what types of ideas fly, how to capture your audience, and how to get to the point of bringing those ideas into the real world.

Here is a roundup of the most innovative outlooks on the subject that research the psychological and social aspects of innovation and design of our contemporary world.

1. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath

This innovative piece contains a number of stories and case studies followed by principles. The authors attempt to explain what makes an idea or concept memorable or interesting. “What makes such stories memorable and ensures their spread around the globe? The authors credit six key principles: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions and stories.”

2. Ideas Man by Shed Simove

The author is a modern-day creative genius. “He lives and breathes ideas. Every day of his life dozens of new concepts spring from his astonishingly active mind. The ideas can be for new TV shows, ranges of sweets, executive toys, greeting cards, money-making schemes, or just about anything else you care to imagine. And if something has never been done before, Shed is all the more likely to attempt it. Ideas Man is the true story of this visionary maverick’s amazing adventures. At breakneck speed, Shed describes how dozens of his ideas came to be, how they succeeded or (sometimes) disastrously failed.”

3. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

This is the mother of all books on bringing ideas to life. After the smashing success of this piece, there have been a lot of other published attempts to duplicate the innovation and the writing style of Malcolm Gladwell. His infamous way of elaborating simple ideas and case studies are an absolute joy to read in one sitting. “Gladwell develops these and other concepts (such as the “stickiness” of ideas or the effect of population size on information dispersal) through simple, clear explanations and entertainingly illustrative anecdotes.”


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4. Ideas That Changed the World by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

Here is another creative piece “serves as a ready and accessible reference, mainly because the topics are extremely well chosen for both their timeless significance and their diversity, and the author does a very competent job of surveying most topics, in spite of their widely varying difficulty.”

5. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath

New ideas bring changes into our lives. In this book the authors debunk the complexity of the concept of change itself. “Why do some huge changes, like marriage, come joyously, while some trivial changes, like submitting an expense report on time, meet fierce resistance?” After a scrupulous research in the field of psychology, the authors come up with their theoretical explanations and discoveries on the subject of change. The piece is, indeed, worthwhile your time to find out the authors’ outlooks on the subject.

Above list is a compilation of books that we found useful in generating and bringing creative ideas to life. What books have helped you with generating new ideas and turning them into reality? Please share in the comments below.

Article by Kamilla Kay, PMP. Follow her Personal Blog for similar ideas and thoughts.

[Post Tags: best books to bring ideas to life, how to bring ideas to life, books to generate ideas]

From: http://ping.fm/2Q0jI

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