
5 Ways To Become Indispensable At Work

By Kamilla Kay, PMP |

There are two sides to being indispensable to everyone at work. The good part is that you could build such a strong credibility to your name that your job will always be secure. The possibility of promotions increases exponentially as well. On the other hand, you are constantly interrupted with inundated tasks and little favors from your boss and everyone else above you. This could potentially snowball into overload to your work schedule and crunch time for your constant deadlines.

Nonetheless, becoming an indispensable force to your organization, or even better, to your whole industry/field of expertise – is a positively strategic move for your career and your personal credibility!

Here are a few steps for your consideration when you decide to build your own image of an indispensable asset to you company.

1. Know Your Stuff
This point is by far the most significant if are planning to become a ‘go-to’ source for your organization. The most credible subject matter experts have a reputation for being the most intelligent. When approached with a dilemma, don’t rush to give a quick answer. The way you project your knowledge, your thoughts, your word choices – are little snapshots that stick in peoples’ minds. Remember that people, including your boss, are extremely opinionated! So, face each encounter as your opportunity to shine with your acquired know-how in the most intelligent way possible.

2. Learn Quick
There is more than one way to slice a cat. No matter what your occupation is you will learn that each workplace has its own process flows, different ways of doing the same task. To become indispensable to your company faster you need to become an extremely fast learner. Pay attention to your immediate environment; learn the shortcuts from the experienced ones on the run.

3. Develop Time Management Skills
Once your bosses collect their data and come to a much anticipated conclusion that you are indispensable to the organization, you will be a star! Although, watch out! There come eternal interruptions, stupid questions, little favors, etc. etc. etc. Time management is a skill that you need to master in a jiffy! Prioritize your work, have a set schedule, don’t check your e-mail box every 5 minutes – focus on your personal productivity before you spread your time for everyone else’s meaningless ways.

4. Learn When/How to be Unavailable
This goes with the previous point. Being agreeable and pleasing to everyone else should not equate to being indispensable! Remember that. Your credibility is not in jeopardy if you say ‘no’ a couple of times in order to salvage your own productivity. In fact, everyone who considers you indispensable by now will also learn to appreciate your time and attention. Keep this point in mind – you’ll surely reap the rewards!


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5. Be an Effective Facilitator
Once you establish your credibility and train people to cherish your time and advice, it is now the time to delegate! Create a network that could assist you with the tasks that don’t help your productivity. Ask your boss to hire more work force under you to help you with general tasks, which in turn, makes you more accessible at your boss’ dispense!

What are your strategies for becoming indispensable?

From: http://ping.fm/8qChr

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