Successful entrepreneurs differ from those who aren’t in a way that they have followed the advice they were given, rather than giving advice themselves. Of course, giving advice is always easy, but taking someone else’s advice and using it to your advantage that is what can set you apart. The world of blogosphere can be quite helpful in this context and there is an abundance of blogs for entrepreneurs. There are several blogs online which contain quite useful information and knowledge straight from successful investors, business gurus and entrepreneurs themselves. conducted multitude of interviews with successful entrepreneurs who directed us to the most of blogs mentioned below.
Here is a list of top 11 Blogs that Every Entrepreneur Must Bookmark:
1- “How to change the world” – This blog is written by Guy Kawasaki who is a former evangelist & venture capitalist. He is an expert voice for entrepreneurs as he possesses hands-on experience in launching several successful ventures and funding many of them. This is a solid Blog that every entrepreneur should bookmark.
2- “OnStartups” – This blog is by Dharmesh Shah. It contains insightful information for Startups and entrepreneurs. In addition, their LinkedIn group is popular and offers an opportunity to share your experiences with other entrepreneurs alike.
3- “The Eco Capitalist”- This blog is written by Tom Szaky, who is a CEO of TerraCycle. This site has plethora of environment friendly tips & ideas that one can use to launch their next business. This blog should definitely be bookmarked by every entrepreneur in this environmentally conscious world.
4- “Seth Godin’s Blog” – This blog is by the author of ten time bestseller, Seth Godin. Some of the valuable insights that can be found on this blog are about marketing, the markets & how people generally think. This is one of the most followed blogs out there and is an ideal blog for that every aspiring entrepreneur should bookmark.
5- “Tim Berry’s Blog”- Written by Tim Berry, who is behind the very famous “Business Plan Pro” software. This blog contains pertinent opinions & advice for young entrepreneurs and is an ideal candidate that every entrepreneur must bookmark.
6- “WorkAwesome” – This Blog is about all things Awesome. Balancing work, home, business and life in general is what this resourceful blog is about. Be sure to check them out and bookmark.
7- “Lessons Learned” – This blog is written by Eric Ries, a venture capitalist. Topics covered in this blog are varied but each and every post is full of discerning information.
8- “Tim Ferriss’ Blog” – Timothy Ferriss, the author of the ever-famous “4 Hour Workweek,” maintains this Blog on continuous basis. His blog is full of innovative techniques and business ideas, and contains shrewd secrets and tips that have helped himself to become successful. This blog must be bookmarked by every entrepreneur.
9- BlogMaverick – Mark Cuban, successful entrepreneur and owner of recent World Champions Dallas Mavericks, maintains this blog to reflect on his entrepreneurial experiences.
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10- OpenForum – this is not necessarily a Blog, but a Resource Library for every Entrepreneur maintained by American Express. Many successful Entrepreneurs like Guy Kawasaki and Mashable contribute invaluable articles to this site. Definitely a great resource that every entrepreneur must bookmark.
11- Success Incubator by – this might sound cliché, but our blog is on point for every entrepreneur. We conduct interviews with successful entrepreneurs who share invaluable experiences with the rest of us. In addition, our Resources Library is full of Articles on various topics (Social Media, Young Professionals, Business & Marketing, etc) and The Lists section includes such resourceful information as The Best Websites For… and The Best Books For.
We are active followers of every single of aforementioned blogs and gain valuable experience from all of them. What are some of the blogs that you have bookmarked? Dare to share:
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