
10 Best WordPress Plugins for your Blog

WordPress is one of the most robust blogging platforms available today with millions of bloggers. WordPress on its own is a basic software that you can install on your computer. To increase the functionality of WordPress there are many Plugins available. Currently they are over 8000 plugins on the official website of WordPress. With so many of them available it is impossible to decide which are the best , however Moomkin.com has attempted to introduce you to some great plugins from the huge list.

Here is a roundup of 10 Best WordPress Plugins for your Website:
1. HeadSpace:
This is a significant advancement of “All in one SEO”. HeadSpace provides you with all the features you need to drive your site to the top of the searches. People spend so much time on SEO while neglecting the content. This plugins will take care of all your SEO worries so that you can focus on the content of your blog. HeadSpace is a solid WordPress plugin that you should consider for your Website.
2. Editorial Calendar:
This plugin provides you with a crisp and clean editorial calendar of all your posts. You can drag and drop you articles from a particular date to another , edit them and do a lot more. It is an amazing tool for organizing you blogs and one of the best WordPress plugins for your website.
3. WP Super Cache:
This plugin help you to speed up the loading time on your blog. One of the drawbacks of having many plugins installed on your blog is that it slows the loading time of your blog making viewer lose interest and abandon the search. This fast caching engine reduces the load time significantly and is a must for your blog.
4. Widget Context:
With this plugin you can pick and choose the pages on which you want the sidebar widgets to appear. You can customize you sidebars for different pages or sections of your blogging site with this plugin. This is a helpful WordPress plugin for your Blog.
5. Easy Tube:
If you want YouTube or Google Videos embedded in you blogging site without the hassles of modifying the HTML codes of your pages then the EasyTube plugin is there to help you. It allows you to add and control video content with the help of one simple tag.

6. 1 Blog Cacher:
The 1 Blog Cachers is a great WordPress plugin that caches your pages and helps increase the response speed by minimizing the server load. It has a lot of amazing features like portability, safe mode, expiration time for cached files, compatibility with Gzip compression.
7. Google XML Sitemaps:
This plugin will help create a XML-sitemap of your blog which is compliant to Google sitemaps. It supports both WordPress pages as well as customer pages. Each time you edit or create a post , the sitemap will get updated and all major search engines like MSN, Yahoo and Google get notified about the updates. This is one of the best WordPress plugins for your Blog.
8. WordPress Thread Comment:
This plugin is an enhanced variant of Word Press’s comment function. It allows the users to reply on an existing comment and the entire discussion will be displayed in a threaded or nested form.
9. Akismet:
This is another great plug-in and helps protect your site from getting SPAM content. It checks your comments and post and verifies if they are spam or not. If it detects a spam it stores it separately so that you can later check them and decide whether to keep them or delete them.

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10. WP-DB Manager:
The WP-DB-Backup plugin allows you to backup your core WordPress data tables easily. You can also backup other tables within the same database. You can take backup and restore whenever you want. This is one of the best WordPress plugins for your website.

This is the top 10 list of WorldPress Plugins generated by us, please share the ones you find the most helpful.

[Post Tags:] best wordpress plugins, wordpress plugins for blogs, list of best plugins, moomkin.com, interviews with successful entrepreneurs.

From: http://ping.fm/H8VcA

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