
How to Expand Your Business Network

No business stands alone without successful networks established around it. The channels you choose to build for your business, could determine the future paths of success. As an entrepreneur, no matter if you are an extravert or an introvert, you find yourself in the business environment that mandates sharpening your networking skills. It is a matter of working on them consistently, through trial and error, and quite frequently, going outside of your comfort zone. It is also essential to keep in mind that sooner or later, even relationships that seem most remote and insignificant could, potentially turn out to be the most influential for the business.

Here are some of the elements to keep in mind when trying to expand your business network:

1. Expand your channels through already established connections.
Showing your sincerity and interest in developing those relationships by going beyond the business is the key. You will stand out in other peoples’ mind if you remember what is important to them, like their interests and their world outside of work. Learn from successful salespeople: they are known for creating leads outside of their own comfort zone. This is one of the ways to expand your business network.

2. Utilize professional online networks and social media.
It would be impossible and prehistoric in this day and age, not to use the internet for your networking. It has essentially reduced distances between people to zero, so that we can not only network outside of our hometown, but also globally.

3. Create attractive and interactive website with features like blogs, comments.
An easy to use and easy to read website that represents your business could potentially welcome new and returning business. Featured articles, reviews, message boards about your product/service would establish more confidence in the eyes of your clients.

4. Participate in trade shows, conferences. Join clubs, associations.
Constantly create exposures for more opportunities to tell people what you do, and how your services could fill in the void through your service/product. Offer to write articles about your business to attract more interest. Furthermore, put yourself even more out there by continuously educating, volunteering to speak publicly, doing guest appearances, taking people out to lunches and happy hours.

5. Distribute business cards, educational literature.
It is an important step and needs to be practiced religiously. While you are out there networking, the only way people hold onto lasting impressions of your business, is through the physical evidence, like a simple business card. Train your staff, use your closest networks to distribute your information physically and virtually. Keep this information handy at all time. People love meaningless but practical freebies. Just make sure that the name of your business and your coordinates come along with it.


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And remember, as long as you’re sincere, you will continue to establish good relations with people and open successful channels for mutual benefit.

So what are some of your best practices to expand your business network? Share your tips below.

Article written and contributed by Kamilla Kay, PMP. You can contact her via email kamillabk@hotmail.com

From: http://ping.fm/GsmRP

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