This is the age old question for busy professionals, how do we balance and mash the two most important parts of our lives together and stay happy? Here is an observation that I want to share. When you skim through the faces of all the entrepreneurs, featured on, how many of them come across truly happy? I find that the captured expression of the majority transcribes a large degree of happiness or content, symbolizing an overall degree of success. Do successful individuals have a better acquired ability to balance their successful careers and personal lives? Maybe we can ask these experts for a piece of advice………
Here are some advices and resources that have proven to help other busy professionals, humbly yours included:
1. Compartmentalize. Send a clear message to everyone around you that you work to live, not live to work. Most importantly, keep this mantra clear in your mind, even if it is your own business, your own success that you are investing into. You are fully committed to your work AT work and nowhere outside. The below-referenced book is an insightful take on debunking this particular dilemma.
Having It All … And Making It Work: Six Steps for Putting Both Your Career and Your Family First by D. Quinn Mills, Sasha K. Mattu and Kirstin Hornby
2. Do what makes you happy. Find a job or start your own business that could charge you to jump out of bed each morning. After all, our work environment is where we spend most of our preciously God-given moments of life. Outside of work, consciously attempt to create memorable times with your family. Take advantage of every second that you have with your loved ones! For those who are still looking for a happier place to work, you could also read:
6 Best Websites for Job Search
3. Take care of your own health and propagate healthy habits to your loved ones. Some obvious things need to be paid close attention to on a daily basis: getting enough sleep, eating right, keeping stress levels low, regularly exercising, preferably with the whole family. A wide array of helpful resources is available out there. Here are some of my references.
Food Network
Firm: 500 Calorie Workout or P90X
The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace: The Essential Life and Teachings by Dalai Lama
4. Dissect your ‘fake’ relationships, the ones that help to get you places, reach your goals, but not affect your true personal happiness, your whole being. Continue to develop meaningful relationships. Dedicate your attention and time to those.
Counseling Techniques: Improving Relationships with Others…by Rosemary Thompson
What are some of the ways that you follow to maintain a healthy balance between home and work? Please comment in section below.
Article written and contributed by Kamilla Kay, PMP. She can be contacted via
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