
6 Best Motivational Audio Books for Your Commute

Tired of the same radio stations while commuting to and from work? DJ’s pre-programmed daily schpeel may seem like a broken record! For that reason, turning off the noise completely appeared to be the best solution for my serenity and peace. Well, recently, I have decided to be more productive with my commute time. I have purchased some of the best and reasonably priced audio books on CDs of various motivational genres. The leg work is done, so here are the choices that truly deserve your attention. These are the audio books that are worth commuting for!

1. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make… (Audio CD) by Malcolm Gladwell
The author is brilliant! If you pick any of his work, you will not miss the target. His innovative take on tipping point phenomenon is an eye opener. What makes an idea soar? How does an interesting concept turn into a social epidemic, becomes a trend. Malcolm Gladwell’s take on this social phenomenon is truly captivating. This audio book makes you view the world through his radical prism.

2. How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job (Audio CD) by Dale Carnegie
At times when I need to get more motivated, I turn back to Dale Carnegie. As business professionals, quite frequently we get into a rut. At times, it feels more like a ground-hog day. How do we get motivated and stay positive? Listening to this CD on the way to work, is actually is the best timing of the day. You get to practice your positive attitude and project it onto your colleagues immediately after!

3. The Magic of Thinking Big (Audio CD) by David Schwartz
This motivational piece has great reviews, so I decided to give it a try. Listening to it every morning on the way to work really charges me for the day. In summary, the author outlines “that you don’t need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction – but you DO need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there. This book gives you those secrets!”

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4. Outliers: The Story of Success (Audio CD) by Malcolm Gladwell
I couldn’t help but list another one of Malcolm Gladwell’s on this list. Outliers are the individuals or groups of people, who manage to beat the odds, which transcend social and human boundaries, and have an ability to excel at something above everyone else. This piece makes you dig deeper inside your own self and search for unanswered questions. Can you be the next outlier? Self-search is the idea of this literary journey.

5. 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
This is an inspirational, yet practical guide on how to create a self-sustaining business and remove yourself from the every day activities that prevent you from enjoying the freedom. Escape the 9-5 and join the new rich is the direction of this great book.

6. Guided mindful Meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This stress reduction clinic offers great relaxation and mindful meditation techniques. Kabat-Zinn provides interesting methods to help you relax whether you are just going to work or escape the after hours of a hectic day.

What are your most favorite books on a CD that you like to listen to in your car?

Article written and contributed by Kamilla Kay, PMP. She can be contacted via email at: kamillabk@hotmail.com

From: http://ping.fm/7eHJj

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