
Reflections on the first few weeks since the Launch

It has been a little over 2 weeks since our launch on 04/04, and I think it is time to reflect on that. We received extremely positive and encouraging feedback from our readers and that’s what is important. So far, during these couple of weeks we managed to attract roughly 3000 views and to us it is exciting! Check out the following graph:

Obviously, the highest mark was hit at the time of launch when we engaged ourselves in increased marketing via Social Media and created some buzz. Consequently, the remaining period looks relatively stable with approximately 200 visits a day. In fact, this lets us set a benchmark and metrics to establish goals for next time period, and we got some aggressive ones. Here is the breakdown through the end of May:
  • Reach 7000 views
  • Feature a minimum of 2 Interviews a week
  • and personally, I’d like to reach 1000 connections on LinkedIn
We were fortunate to have attracted some serious talent for the first round of interviews. It included well-established companies like Reachoo.com & Surropa.com, and successful entrepreneurs like Paul Tran, Justin Hong and Dawnna St Louis. In addition, resourceful young professionals like David Khan and Nursultan Kassenov provided us with wealth of information on how to succeed in the “real world.” The graph below illustrates some of the most popular pages that our visitors are viewing:

Overall, the first 2 weeks since the launch have been very exciting but we are even more stoked about what is coming up next. This week and next we are looking to feature fresh interviews with successful young professionals and founders of such companies like: RinaYoga, Content Equals Money, You Can Work Less, The Pet Loo and others.

So stay tuned, spread the word and let us know how we are doing in our quest to fulfill our Mission!

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